The Clippers fired Dunleavy today. Bringing me one step closer to jumping on the bandwagon. Ssources are indicating that Dunleavy wasn't fired because he sucks (which he does) but that he was fired in an effort to lure Lebron. According to NBA Fanhouse and ESPN the Clippers are planning on offering Lebron the opportunity to choose his own coach and his own general manager.
I had previously never beleived that the Clippers could land Lebron. The combination of Incompetent coaches, clueless management, and a racist owner was just too much to overcome. However, the Clipper's latest scheme might just work. The Clippers have a good team to work around, Lebron could likely lure Phil Jackson (who is getting fed up with the Laker's organization and considering he wouldn't have to move or even change stadiums), Los Angeles is a huge market, and it would provide Lebron the opportunity to consistently play against Kobe, putting an end to the better player discussion. The warm weather and the beaches would definitely make it easier for Lebron to convince free agents to play with him in LA than it is in Ohio.
It would be an interesting position to be in as a fan. I have never had to choose between Southern California teams before. The Clippers have been so bad that there is generally no harm in rooting for them. The Angels and Dodgers play in different leagues. The Kings and Ducks play hockey, and no one really cares about hockey. But if both the Clippers and the Lakers became dominant I imagine that lines in the sand would have to be drawn. Maybe that Los Angeles would stick with the Lakers and Orange County would rally behind Lebron. Maybe the lines would be drawn by age, with anyone who can remember the 80's or to a lesser degree the 3 peat sticking with the Lakers and with the younger crowd following Lebron. Most likely, we will just remain fickle and root for whatever team is doing best.
I still think that the possibility of Lebron going anywhere is slim. He will most likely remain a Cav. Nonetheless, it is exciting to think about.
I tell you what right now, any Lakers fans that all of a sudden likes the Clippers if they get LeBron are complete fair-weather losers. Only Billy Crystal and a few other Clippers fans should have the right to like the Clippers. I don't see why LeBron would wast to go to the worst run organization in all of sports. So to all you Laker fans I don't care if you are from LA and you grew up down the street from the Clippers stadium, you chose the Lakers now deal with it. If I see one of you with a new LeBron Clippers jersey on I swear I'll flush you down the toilet with the rest of the crap.