I have been waiting for years for the Clippers to show me enough so that I can become more than a closet fan. I was able to stick with the Lakers and the 49ers during their stink seasons because those franchises had proven successful before and I knew as an organization they would get back to a competitive level. (I still don't know how I became a Angels fan since they were historically awful before their championship run, I'm pretty sure I just owned a bunch of their baseball cards.) But the Clips - well they might be the most the most historically futile franchise still in existence. I don't want their stink on me, so I quietly wait hoping that things will turn around.
Bottom line is when I heard that Dunleavy got fired I was excited. I even posted on my facebook status that I was jumping on the the Clippers band wagon before it got too crowded. And then Kayce showed me this,http://msn.foxsports.com/cbk/story/Los-Angeles-Clippers-Isiah-Thomas-020510. And it all came crashing down. Really Isiah Thomas? The same guy who lead the New York Knickerbockers to a 56-108 record before being fired. The same guy who couldn't find another job anywhere but Florida International University, and whose team is currently 7-18 and in 11th place in the conference?
It looks like that the Clippers may end up with Donald (I am an imcompetant racist drafting disaster) Sterling as the owner, with Mike (I'm tired of getting blasted by Bill Simmons so I am going to resign) Dunleavy running the front office, and Isiah (I couldn't coach a girls jr. varsity team if my life depended on it )Thomas Coaching the team. I'm starting to think that Griffen might be better off taking a sledge hammer to his knee and collecting the insurance than to come back to play for this team. Looks like I will be a closet fan for a while longer.
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